Chuck York’s Letter: “A Letter to the Travelers United”

Throughout October and November, Haley Hamblin led a small group called “Koinonia: A Journey of Justice and Belonging with the Apostle Paul.”  During our final week, Haley invited us to write letters to a community, fashioned by Paul’s letters. This practice was deeply meaningful, so we are going to share some of the letters we wrote:

Chuck York’s Letter: “A Letter to the Travelers United”

To my fellow travelers who live vicariously through the journey of our sister Haley in the land of Missouri Show-Mes, grace and peace to each of you and thanks for all you do.

First, my apologies for not being able to be present as oft as I would have liked with this journey we shared, but know my heart and spirit were with you even as my body failed and in one case the internet interruptus raised its head. The learning has been fruitful for me personally, and I hope for you as well in the community.

When we learn, when we study or just have that aha moment, our mission should be singular, to accept the learning, and to look for others who might want to hear, to learn, to question, or to refute.

Community is a safe conversation; our commitment to community ends not with these sessions, but the sessions to come, the continuing search for connection with others in and outside our spheres.

Our lessons have been many, and as many as we are individually for certain. I know this now because of our journey together – we are called to go to places safe, where we can be builders, or to places not so safe, and to find ways to unite our spirits in a quest for more love, for more peace, for more power and grace.

Be strong, fellow travelers. We are called to reach up and reach out. May we be blessed to do both and to revel in the glory of that calling.